Monday 5 December 2011

Lessons and Mannequins

Today I walked past a lingerie store and saw two mannequins dressed in underwear, with jutting hip bones and visible ribs. It really hit home for me how extreme the fashion industry is getting, I mean if those mannequins were real they would probably have an eating disorder. I can't believe that is meant to be what we are aspiring to - to look skeletal. That mannequins in the background of this picture are similar to what I saw:

In unrelated news, I had a bit of a binge today for various reasons which put me in a pretty bla mood. I've decided to try and put a positive spin on it though, because if I beat myself up I will probably get in an even more negative mood which won't help at all. So I'm going to think about what I have learnt today.

I know one of my biggest challenges is when I get put in a bad mood for some reason or another, or I have a big night out or a dinner party, and trying to not let it affect my eating awareness and activity. Maybe next time I know something like that will happen I will plan ahead by making sure I don't have big quantities of sometimes-foods available or visible to me (e.g. buying a whole packet of biscuits at the supermarket today, when I could have just got one thing). I could also plan ahead for lunch at work so I don't end up in the food court unsure of what I want and then regretful afterwards that I had something I didn't enjoy. I think when you know you're going to be in a bad mood you shouldn't tempt yourself too much because you may not always feel rational at the time.

I'm not sure if that all makes sense and I don't want to give the impression I think you should deprive yourself when you're in a bad mood - not at all! But if you plan ahead then maybe on that day you could look forward to a nice cup of tea and some chocolate in the afternoon, instead of sitting at your desk all day with said whole packet of biscuits...  I don't know I'm just pondering here.

Anyone have any good ideas?


  1. Hi Genevieve,
    Just going to try out the new gmail account and see what happens. Janelle

  2. Hurray! I can do it! Ha!!
    Yeah, bad moods are one of my triggers as well for overeating or bingeing. If I can muster the presence of mind to plan meals and snacks in advance that is a help. Also, I just have to accept that bad moods are all part of life and are going to happen again and again and sometimes I'll get off-focus with it and sometimes I'll be able to stay with some awareness with respect to my eating behaviours during those times. But, like you said there's no point beating myself up over it, that doesn't help. No, during those times I think I'm better to nurture myself in other ways like go for a walk or read a book or do something that I enjoy. Well, at least that's what I hope to be able to do. Cheers, Janelle
